Research Talk at the ASC 15th-Year Anniversary Conference (April 2024)
I shared my research on unequal representation in vision-language models with the conference audience at the African Study Center, University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
Oral Research Presentation at 2023 EMNLP Conference (December 2023)
I shared my research on unequal representation in vision-language models with the conference audience at Sentosa Island, Singapore
Grad Student Recruitment at the 2023 Grace Hopper Celebration (October 2023)
I shared my grad school application experience as the UMich CSEG Admissions and Recruitment Liasion with prospective students at GHC 2023, Orlando, Florida.
BootCamp Coordinator at Engineering Career Fair (September 2021)
Sharing my experience and knowledge at the 2021 Engineering Career Fair through a Machine Learning Bootcamp which took place at the University of Nigeria was very fulfilling. Many thanks to Dr. Ijeoma Anarado-Ezika Faculty of Engineering, UNN, Clintonel Innovation Centre (CIC) Aba, and Ugarsoft for making this event a success and giving me an opportunity to give back to my alma mater.